Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi will on Friday launch a report on the state of the South African Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).
The report will be launched during a webinar under the theme, ‘A new beginning’.
The launch of the report is a project commissioned jointly by the International Labour Organization and the Department of Employment and Labour, and focuses on the profile of Occupational Health and Safety in workplaces.
The report provides a historical analysis of OHS in South Africa.
It contains a number of key themes and insights that came out of the confidential, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 34 purposefully selected participants.
Themes identified in the interview responses include COVID-19 opportunities; enforcement of legislation; poor compliance and OHS committees; gender and the informal sector; complex legislation; poor reporting yet increasing claims and lack of awareness; partnerships and human resources challenges for inspection, and better enforcement in the mines.
Speakers from organised business and labour will also be part of the webinar.