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HomeNews3% increase for Public Office Bearers

3% increase for Public Office Bearers

President Cyril Ramaphosa has approved a 3% increase in remuneration for all Public Office Bearers for the 2022/23 financial year, according to a statement released by the Presidency. The decision was made after considering the recommendations of the Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers.

The Commission had initially suggested a 3.8% salary increment for all public office bearers, including members of Independent Constitutional Institutions, Judges, Magistrates, and Traditional Leaders for the upcoming financial year. However, taking into account the country’s serious economic challenges, President Ramaphosa opted for a more conservative 3% increase.

The category of public office bearers encompasses a wide range of positions, including the President, Deputy President, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Members of Parliament and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), as well as the leadership structures of both houses. It also includes Premiers, Members of the Executive Councils (MECs), members of the provincial legislature, mayors, councillors, judges, magistrates, and traditional leaders.

To comply with statutory requirements, the President has submitted a notice to Parliament for approval before the publication of the revised salaries, specifically concerning the salaries of judges and magistrates.

President Ramaphosa expressed his gratitude to the Independent Commission for their recommendations, acknowledging their role in informing the decision on remuneration adjustments for public office bearers.

Caleb Tayi
Caleb Tayi
I'm a critical reader and a lover of words. As the ECToday Editor my job is to polish and refine a story or an article, check facts, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.


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